The Afterlife: February 8-19, 2008

Journal entries about clairvoyance, meditation, spirituality, and mystical experiences

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The Afterlife: February 8-19, 2008

Post by figaro »

The Afterlife: February 8-19, 2008

Friday, February 8

Realms of Light: Clairvoyant Experiences of Life After Death was released today. Spent a good part of the day announcing its presence on various websites.

Received an e-mail from Louise’s sister, Beth:

Ah Laurie! I am moved to tell you of a visitation I had with Louise. It was....I am sure, the most intense confirmation of life after death for me. I was in Woodstock sitting with Jude at the breakfast table. We were happily chatting, drinking our coffee. Suddenly Jude's face began to morph... it was..... gelatinous.... and then I could see as clear as I can SEE Louise's face laughing. I pulled back, reluctant, unwilling to engage the vision of my sister but she was THERE!! And she spoke....laughing at me...almost mischiveously, "You can see me, can't you?!" I burst into tears, weeping close to hysterical as Jude returned asking me what the matter was.

Peace. Beth

I wrote back and said that I had a very similar experience, at Windgarth a few years ago. In my experience Louise also superimposed herself on her sister Jude - and I was left speechless. Louise was so utterly radiant, so beautiful, made of almost blinding Light ... Now it is hard to look at photographs of Louise: she seems so thick, so material - so dull in a way, after than experience. In any case: now when I think of Louise I always see her on the road winding by the lake at Windgarth that beautiful warm afternoon, superimposed on her sister as inexpressibly beautiful, radiant Light ...

Thursday, February 14

Today Realms of Light went on Interestingly enough, my student Jeremy died in his fatal car accident on February 14, six years ago. Jeremy’s story is in Realms of Light, as is an interview with his mother, about her experiences with Jeremy after he “died”. I mention in the book that Jeremy appeared to me and told me that I was to write this book ... It might be that Jeremy sent me a small message today ... that he still takes an interest in the books I am writing, and in my life ...

Now to write reviewers.

My work on the Angels volume is almost done ...

Friday, February 15

Wrote Diana: how are we to put the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section to Realms of Light online, for people to read... If I put the FAQ section online from my computer manuscript - her formatting and graphics will be lost. It might be that we will have to post that section of the book on her website.

Found someone to transcribe the tapes of my interview with Diana on Realms of Light. When that computer file is sent to me I will post the interview on several websites. I also want to begin work with an editor on the Journals volumes. Everything seems to be happening at once ...

Tuesday, February 19

Several magazines want to review Realms of Light and two media have asked for radio interviews. When the Interviews are transcribed and corrected, I will submit them to various websites & magazines. All I can tell people is that I hope this little book helps those facing death, and those grieving the loss of someone they love. And that I did my best. I have started a notebook, to keep track of all that I need to do, and all that I need to follow up on.

A message from Diana: because of technical reasons I do not completely understand, we will put the Frequently Asked Questions section of Realms of Light only on, under Community, in A Mystic’s Journal.

The New Age Journal has said they want to review Realms of Light.
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