Free Healing for Your Pet - or Any Animal
Moderator: figaro
Free Healing for Your Pet - or Any Animal
Image: Leonora in her favorite spot by the AC.
This entry of a Mystic's Journal is a short but valuable one:
The Distant Healing Network now has a section devoted entirely for pets and animals - and we are receiving only a small number of requests each week.
If you wish a Healing for your pet - or any animal - just Google "The Distant Healing Network" and put in a request. I see miracles every day, from a hurt paw to leukemia ....
I write about Divine Healing and some of the miracles I have witnessed in my book, "The Spiritual Life of Animals and Plants" - but if you need a miracle of two you can just contact the DHN or Distant Healing Network and ask for one.
The DHN is comprised of 800 or so reiki and Divine Healers from all over the world who have offered their services to anyone who requests them. You can also specifically request me if you wish.
Please take advantage of this offer and tell others as well.